1. composer update 2. php artisan migrate:fresh --seed 3. php artisan db:seed --class=PermissionTableSeeder 4. php artisan db:seed --class=CreateAdminUserSeeder Email: admin@gmail.com Password: 123456 For Laravel Notify 2 1. composer require mckenziearts/laravel-notify 2. 'providers' => [ ... Mckenziearts\Notify\LaravelNotifyServiceProvider::class ... ]; 3. php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mckenziearts\Notify\LaravelNotifyServiceProvider" 4. composer dump-autoload Usage: Basic Within your controllers, before you perform a redirect call the notify method with a message. public function store() { notify()->success('Laravel Notify is awesome!'); return Redirect::home(); } An complete example: Laravel Notify @notifyCss @include('notify::messages') // Laravel 7 or greater @notifyJs